Monday, April 5, 2010

Upcoming CSR posts

It has been a lot of fun keeping up with your questions! In March, my blog on Justmeans covered a wide range of topics, with posts covering sustainability indices, CSR rankings, games companies play in reporting on their greenhouse gas emissions, a conference on ethical sourcing, a new book on CSR, and a database of information that will freak you out. If this kind of stuff excites you, stay tuned for April, which should offer a rich array of new topics.

While I don’t plan out my posts for the month too far in advance, I thought I would offer a preview of two of the key areas I plan to cover in April. First, I have received some questions about how the approaches of different CSR rankings and sustainability indices compare to one another, so plan to spend some time delving into methodologies. Second, some people have asked me questions as of late about standards for measuring greenhouse gas emissions, so expect to do at least one piece on measurement and reporting frameworks. Finally, on a related note, it seems appropriate to spend some time talking about carbon markets and how they relate to CSR.

What else? That’s somewhat up to you, so please send me emails through Justmeans if you have special requests for CSR-related topics you’d like to see me cover in my blog.

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